Sea Salt
Happy Wednesday! First of all I would love to thank you for all your support of Wings sweater and also for your kind wishes on my trip. Just 3 planes, 30+ hours on the road and I am with my family! Everything is still pretty hectic and it is hard to get back into my routine, but I am enjoying every single moment with special people and that is the most important thing right now.I am also happy to say that my knits and yarn traveled with me! I know that each piece I knit here will be filled with dear memories.Today I would love to share with you the photo story of yarn that you have already seen on my blog - Father by YOTH Yarns. I loved our collaboration with Veronika and her amazing team so much, that I decided to devote my Fall projects to fibers from this amazing company.
This time I've chosen Father in Sea Salt shade - lovely silver grey shade that I adore. I am experimenting with the needle sizes trying to achieve the gauge that will fit perfectly my idea of the future garment.
As I told you before Father knits like a butter, the stitches seem to form on their own, easily sliding on needles. True knitting therapy for hands and mind!
I am looking forward to sharing with you the progress of this project and, of course, the final result! I hope you are having a great week!