Moments 50/19
Happy December! I hope you are enjoying this cozy pre-holiday season with your friends and family. During these weeks of absence here, I did some knitting, thinking, planning and trying to see the beauty in details around me. It was not that easy for some reason, though I am always eternally grateful for all the wonderful things that surround me. I guess it is just me.I am happy to find back this urge to share my Moments with you and keep creating this journal of memories. My new pattern that I love so much is coming out later this month. I am absolutely in love with the test knitters' projects and photos, so excited to share it with you - I hope you will pick it up for your holiday knitting!I will share the preview of the sweater this upcoming week, meanwhile let me show you the cutest coffee place I've found downtown - I just love when small businesses pay such attention to details. It shows how much they love what they are doing and I will always support that.
Have a wonderful weekend!