Moments 41/19
I have a new working week routine that is helping me to stay focused and feel like my days are full, meaningful and conscious. Doesn't it happen to you sometimes that you feel like you are in the race, trying to keep up with all the responsibilities and just barely holding your head above the water? And at the end of the day you feel like the life was sucked out of you. I had a few months like this and realized that I need to do something about it.Now I wake up long before dawn, have a light breakfast, knit, work on the website, go to the gym, train hard just concentrating on the movements and counting the reps - no music, no phone, no emails, just me time. There is something so much more beyond physical changes, there is something going on inside of me during these sessions that makes me stronger in all senses of this word; I end up these sessions with 30 min of moderate cardio listening to inspiring audiobooks. For months I have been feeling guilty of not reading as much as I used to just because there is physically no time during my days to sit down and just enjoy a few pages. I know it is the question of priority, there is always at least 10 minutes in the day to devote to things that really matter to you. But now I've found the perfect balance - it is really a form of meditation of getting my headphones on, moving slowly and listening to people's thoughts that stir something bigger inside of me. And only then it is the office and the usual day routine time. So far I am very happy with these changes, it is so important to listen to yourself and find what makes you happy.During my weekends I treat myself to good food, my favorite people and just life as it is. This weekend was full of inspiring conversations, that revived my dreams that I put on hold in the back of my mind because they seemed way too wild to become true one day. So grateful and inspired!As for knitting, I am working on the pattern draft for a sweater and have a new project on the needles that I will be able to share with you soon.
I hope your week was amazing, enjoy your Sunday!