Mexico. Three Years of Life and Fiber Journey.
This weekend we celebrated three years of our move to Mexico... 5th of June, 2012 seems so close and so far away at the same time... A lot has changed. I have changed. Life has changed.This move was a spontaneous, one week decision that opened a whole new world for us. Though it was not easy to adjust, not easy to learn new language and way of life, not easy to open the mind to a lot of things, I haven't regretted taking this decision even for a split second! I am deeply grateful to dear friends who became our second family in this part of the world and without whom all this wouldn't be possible. Thank you, dear friends!I love this place with all my heart, but it is definitely not a paradise. It has its flaws, just like everything in this world. My favorite thing is how international this place is - it is a mix of Mexicans, Americans, Canadian, French, Russian, Dutch, German people. I've always been fascinated by different cultures and countries and I feel extremely lucky to experience this cultural mosaic here.The amazing nature mesmerizes me and often takes my breath away... And boy, do I appreciate it! After spending all my life in a city where you can barely see the sky through a smoke from industrial plants... This nature taught me to stop, breathe and savour the moment. I am so deeply grateful for it![gallery columns="5" ids="1817,1609,1607,1606,1436,1315,1305,1306,1175,1048,1047,1045,891,712,627,411,274,1816,1608,1304"]Mexico is where my "conscious" love for fiber was born. When I started to knit in Russia, I was completely oblivious of the difference between acrylic, wool, cotton, nylon, bamboo or mohair. In Mexico I was introduced to natural locally produced and processed cotton and after that there was no way back. My passion and love for fiber is growing more and more. Mexico poses a lot of limits fiber-wise, it is so hard to find other natural materials, rather than cotton. Wool is rare.I don't know for how long we are going to stay here, but I know for sure that I will always remember and be grateful to this place for all it gave me in my life and fiber journey!
Mexico, I love you! Thank you for everything! From the bottom of my heart.
I wonder if you have ever lived in another country far away from your motherland? How did or does it feel?
P.S. The hurricane subsided. We are getting rain, but it seems like Blanca changed her route and intensity. I hope it will stay this way. So far we are safe! Thank you for your kind wishes - they worked! :)