Friday Inspiration. Perfect Summer Crochet Dress.
Being slightly obsessed with crochet dresses filled with complicated stitch combinations and fibers, I tend to spend more time looking at them than actually making them. I have my "fancy" white crochet dress that came off my hook a couple of years ago, but I don't wear it a lot. I am still dreaming about making a simple easy-to-wear white summer dress...These two crochet dresses from Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein are so inspiring! And I have a perfect cotton yarn in my stash! Having two WIPs going on, I try to resist starting one more project. Well, it will be crochet, so it doesn't really count as a knitting WIP... Looking at these beauties makes it really hard not to experiment with my hook.
Ralph Lauren
Amazing stitch combination! I love the neckline and pineapple motifs on the sleeves. Such a harmonious design!
Calvin Klein. Simple. Basic. Gorgeous.
Have a nice crafty weekend!
P.S. There is a possibility of a hurricane this weekend. According to satellites, it is not very strong, nothing like Odile. But still we might lose the electricity and internet for some time. Stocked on food, water and candles for the weekend. Just in case. I feel like lots of knitting/crochet will be going on. Hope to come back on Sunday!