Gifts of Knitting. New Old Yarn and Giveaway.
Something absolutely amazing, magical and mind-blowing happened to me last week! And only knitters will understand how amazing, magical and mind-blowing it was!Ok, you already know that I happen to live in Mexico right now, in town with no yarn. Sounds scary, right? Getting new and good yarn is a real challenge for me, but most of all I am frustrated about the fact that I am a lonely knitter, absolutely devoid of the company of other knitters, of the opportunity to attend any fiber related events and yarn stores. So, the last events seem absolutely incredible to me! The world is so small and full of miracles!A couple of weeks ago three completely different women contacted me to say that they know one amazing knitter who happens to be in town right now and I absolutely have to meet her. It was so bizarre - these three women didn't know each other, but thought about me during the same week and were kind enough to put me in touch with a fellow knitter. How amazing is that?!What happened next was like a scene from the movie. These things just don't happen in real life, at least in my life! :) A fellow knitter turned to be Kelley! If you know Knit Picks, you know Kelley. Kelley and her husband founded this amazing yarn company in 2002. We met, we talked and talked and talked, about everything "knitty" and "yarny" in this world! My friend who came with me was a little bit lost - she couldn't understand the most we were talking about :) We really spoke one language - yarn, knitting, crocheting, favorite knitting blogs and designers and so on and so forth... It was so fascinating for me to have somebody in "real life" to talk to and share my passion!Kelley knows better than I do how hard it is to get yarn in Mexico. The choice is basically restricted to cotton, which is pretty good quality, and acrylic. She offered me her stash yarn that she probably won't be able to use. What?! Yarn?! For me?!!! I must be dreaming! To cut a long story short, I found myself with this treasure.How, how, how is it even possible?!!I admit. I cried. I've never ever in my life touched such a beauty. I've read about it, I saw pictures, I dreamed about it, but I've never even put my hands on this kind of yarn - Peruvian highland wool, merino wool, silk, alpaca... All these words were filling my dreams, but not my hands. I was so touched by Kelley's generosity, openness and desire to share her knowledge! I promise to put this treasure in good use! What an incredible gift, a gift of knitting, to find a new friend who shares your passion...And I have a gift of knitting for you! Lovely Julie from Knitted Bliss is offering you a copy of her new cowl design that I had a pleasure to test knit.
Hyperballad cowl pattern gives you the opportunity to work with beautiful cables and lovely texture of broken rib stitch. In one pattern you will find instructions how to make two cowls. The smaller cowl will use only 1 skein of DK yarn, a perfect project for leftover yarn! With just two skeins you will be able to make a bigger version to wrap yourself in its gorgeous cables!To enter this giveaway leave a comment below and let me know - will this cowl become a gift for you or for somebody else? The winning comment, randomly chosen, will be announced on Friday, 24th of April!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!