Craft and Road Trip
Happy Wednesday!
The last week was absolutely crazy for me and I just needed to get out of town and into the wild. 10 minute drive from us there is a beautiful botanical garden where you can get lost in nature and have a quiet peaceful time.There are very few people out there and you can enjoy walking along the canyon, read a book, knit/crochet and just be silent for a awhile...
I spent some blissful time with "The Catcher in the Rye"... It is so nice to get away sometimes, even if it is just for a few hours.
As for crafting, I started a new machine knitting project - Sand Sweater, right after finishing my Bamboo Drape. Yes, I can't keep my machine empty for a long time! I am calling it Sand, because of the color of yarn and it reminds me of the pattern created by waves on the sand. I am using 100% mercerized cotton from my stash. I still don't have a very clear idea what it will become, but in my mind it will be a light summer sweater I can throw on with jeans.
My goal for this year was to learn as many new machine knitting techniques as possible. This time I am experimenting with my machine knitting tools to create texture. My machine is very simple, so all the patterns have to be created manually transferring the stitches. It takes much more time than the stockinette, but this stitch pattern is so worth it!
It is called "Tuck Stitch" and it is created by holding loops on the needles for several rows before knitting them all together. It is similar to slip stitch technique in hand knitting. I had the instructions for this stitch in my manual for the machine and I have no idea why on earth I didn't try it before! Maybe I was intimidated by the complexity of it, but it turned out not so bad! I am much more familiar with the mechanism of the machine now and understand better how the stitches are formed.
My crochet cardigan WIP is causing me a lot of trouble. I think I will have to rip it out for the third time, first I ripped out because of my miscalculated stitch count (my gauge is significantly different from the one indicated in the pattern, so I am modifying). Now I think the fabric looks a little bit on the loose side, so I am thinking to go down with the hook size. I know it will be worth it in the end - crocheting is very relaxing and I will get a very wearable garment in the end.
I hope your week is treating you well and you are enjoying your projects!
Hope to see you at Yarn Along.