Crochet and Travel
Happy Sunday! I am so happy to be back! Thank you so much for all your good wishes on this trip! After 17 hours on the cargo ship and two days driving, we finally arrived to our destination. My crochet blanket "saw" the most amazing places along the way that I am happy to share with you. The blanket was growing really fast and by the end of the trip it's more than 50% done! It was a great on-the-go project for me. The stitch pattern speaks to you which makes it so easy to remember, I memorized it after the first row. The only uncomfortable thing was to change the colors, as I am crocheting with three strands I had to carry 9 skeins in a project bag! But other than that it was perfect!The trip was exhausting, but oh so inspiring! It was such a pity that I couldn't use a good camera, I wanted to stop and take pictures every minute! Mexico amazed me with how different and diverse it is - I felt like we drove through several countries!We started our journey from the coast of Baja and drove through rocks and semi-desert fields. Three hours later we got on a cargo ship which is the cheapest and fastest way to get to the mainland on a car. We saw our home going away from us... I felt how tears were stuck in my chest, so many wonderful things happened here, so many wonderful people were left behind. But I kept saying to myself - how amazing it is to leave a place where you know you have somebody who carries about you, who loves you and who is always waiting for you to come back. How amazing to feel that you made a small but still a difference in some people's lives and planted small seeds that will grow and flourish some day. How wonderful to leave a place that you don't feel nothing but thankful to! Thank you, my dear Baja! You became our second motherland!
Cargo ship was comfortable enough and the view from the upper deck was so worth the trip! It took us 17 hours to cross the Sea of Cortez.
The sunset... How can you not feel surrendered to this beautiful universe?..
By 12 next day we arrived to a beautiful port of Mazatlan.
I was immediately stricken with how green it was compared to Baja! I guess I spent too much time in a desert!
And off we drove through endless fields and green hills covered with corn, orange, lemon and mango trees.
Up to the mountains... We got into a tremendous thunderstorm while driving through mountains, I haven't experienced anything like that before! The mountains were enormous, some covered with waterfalls! Truly magical nature!
This nature makes my heart sing! I missed it so much! Yes, I loved Baja with its gorgeous secluded beaches, rocky mountains and breathtaking ocean views, but this scenery is so much more familiar and closer to me!
And here we are... Well, hello the town of my dreams... There is still so much to know about you, but I think I am already in love!
During this trip and upon arrival I couldn't help but wonder - how did I deserve it? How did I deserve a man who is always by my side, how did I deserve wonderful friends who helped us so much in so many ways, how did I deserve to witness so much beauty, how did I deserve to make my little dream come true to come to this magical town in the heart of Mexico? Looking back three and a half years ago, I see myself lost, unhappy in my town that was covered in industrial smoke and black snow, losing hope and faith in myself, wondering if I ever have a morning that I would meet with a smile... How did it happen? How did it turn around so drastically? And then I realized it was so ungrateful to question it! This is my life and this is what happens right now. After the darkness the sun always rises. It is the nature's law! What is left is to gratefully accept all these blessings with open arms and heart and give back as much as I can.So, to new life, to new journey, to new people and to new stitches!