Yarn Spot
Happy Sunday!
When we just moved to San Miguel de Allende, I was ecstatic to find out that there is an actual LYS! It's been awhile since I had one of those in my neighborhood. If you ever find yourself in this part of the world, you just have to visit it! The shop can be found right in the center of downtown, just minutes away from the main square and cathedral. You will definitely enjoy the walk.The store is owned by a very lovely lady, Kathy. Originally from San Francisco, Kathy moved to Mexico more than 20 years ago and since then this country became her home. The shop, "Kathy's Yarn", is 8 years old; it is based right in Kathy's house! When you walk in you find yourself in such a warm cozy and beautiful room, that you feel like you never want to leave and you want to spend all your money there :)
The shop is bursting with color! Kathy is carrying a great variety of novelty yarns, Mexican cotton and wool. The owner is obviously a knitter and besides yarn you can buy her handknit accessories - shawls, scarves and hats.
Most visitors of the shop are tourists who can't help but take a look at what is hidden inside this beautiful building. It's been awhile since I visited this lovely space, the life is pretty hectic these days and I don't have time to enjoy long walks, but if you ever find yourself in town, here are my personal picks.I would definitely recommend getting this 100% Mexican wool. Just look at these colors! It is very chunky and rustic, it would make an amazing rug!
Hand dyed 100% organic silk skeins. I've never seen a silk like this one before, it is very sturdy!
One of my favorite yarns are these colorful skeins of 100% pima cotton. Hand dyed with natural ingredients, these skeins are so delicious to touch! If you remember I used them for my Fall Raglan sweater awhile ago. I am still wearing it almost every evening! The colors are so beautiful, the fabric created with pima cotton is soft and the unusual "bumpy" thread creates an amazing texture!
I hope you enjoyed this little LYS tour!
You can find "Kathy's Yarn" in San Miguel de Allende, Aldama 27. It's open from 12-6 p.m (Sundays 12-5 p.m.), closed on Tuesday/Wednesday.
Have a wonderful day!