Wind of Changes
Happy Wednesday! Today I have two projects to tell you about that touched my heart. Both of these projects are built on the faith and hope for the better world and finding place for all people in it.Several weeks ago Marianne from Frisenvang yarns contacted me with the request to tell about her project she is planning to bring to life. Marianne is a part of a small company that is specializing in high quality sustainable alpaca yarn. I carefully read about what they do and what they aspire to do and I thought that their mission is amazing and something that you will be interested to find about too!Frisenvang yarns are working with a group of local alpaca producers in the region Marcapata in the Peruvian Andes mountains. Instead of selling the raw wool to the companies, these alpaca breeders take part in every step of the yarn production process - carding, dying and handspinning. This way they are able to support themselves on much better terms.
Right now Frisenvang yarns managed to give a better life to 265 people that are able to support themselves with their craft and create a unique high quality product that supports not only people, but also environment with its eco-friendly production process. Marianne and her partners aspire to bring in more people into the cooperative by educating them each step of the yarn production process and providing as many job places as possible.
To make it happen it is important that more people find out about Frisenvang yarns project. Marianne and her partners are planning to make a documentary about the community, alpacas and life in the high Andes. The documentary is scheduled to go live in 2019 and the main goal is to give a raw and honest look at the lives of people and animals in this picturesque scenery. I personally think it is a wonderful project, as we know so little about the yarn production process at the very root of it and people who make it happen.You can read more about the project and support it here - "Documentary - Unique sustainable yarn and a better world".

Have a wonderful day today!