Thoughts On Creativity
Happy Wednesday, dear friends!
A couple of weeks ago I introduced you to one of my favorite designers - Johan Ku. This week I found his old interview and one phrase just got stuck in my head. To the question "Where does the creativity come from?" he gave a very unexpected and unusual for an artist answer: "Creativity comes from studying a certain field for a very long time. It comes from rational development rather than a mythical emotion." I stopped at this phrase and just stared at it. This is the first time I read something like that from an artist or a designer. Usually you read answers like Oh, it just comes to me or I can't really explain my creative process or It just flows on its own... And here you read a very logical and rational explanation of the creative development. If you remember, Johan Ku is praised for his extremely creative approach to knitwear, the innovative vision and textile design that is considered a new form of sculpture. I read and re-read it several times; you know I love wondering about talent and creativity - do you remember our latest discussion of talent origin?
The more I thought about this phrase the more true it seemed to me. I never ever considered myself a creative person. My early school creative essays were dry, logical and without grammar mistakes; my drawings were horrible and my craft attempts were rarely successful. I picked up knitting 7 years ago and struggled with it for a long time to make something wearable or at least not shapeless. And sometimes it hits me how much it changed over the time. I was working on my Sand sweater seams this week, but in my mind new ideas were swirling.
That alpaca fingering weight yarn was turning into a cardigan in my head; the colorful cotton skeins were forming into colorful light pullover; Moeke skein brought so many ideas that it was hard to choose...
And all of a sudden I realized how Ku's thoughts of creativity are so true in my case. I can definitely say that I feel creative when I am around fiber and textiles, but I can also say for sure it didn't happen just like that, overnight, "naturally". It happened, because I love it so much I cannot spend my day without at least a couple of rows; it happened, because I didn't give up this craft when I was an absolute beginner and kept trying and failing, trying again; it happened because in a way this craft became a part of who I am - I read and research a lot about it; I can spend hours going through textile and knitwear design photography; I even dream sometimes of it. And this "mythical emotion" comes when something works out - this exciting moment when you feel like you've found it, "This is it!!!" moment. But I also think just the time isn't enough to develop a certain creative skill; I think one of the most important things, at least for me, is to be fully present when you are doing it, make it a conscious process when your mind isn't wandering, but 100% in the moment. So, I would change this phrase a little bit: "Creativity comes from consciously studying a certain field for a very long time."
What about you? I am so curios to read your thoughts on this!!! Do you agree that "Creativity comes from studying a certain field for a very long time. It comes from rational development rather than a mythical emotion." or is there something more? Is there such a thing as a "natural" creative ability that just comes to people without much effort invested into it or creativity has to be nurtured? So looking forward to reading your thoughts!
See you at Yarn Along today!