Moeke Journey and Knitting Library
Last week Ioana, the founder and owner of Moeke yarns, officially announced the company's plans for autumn 2016. I am so thrilled and honored to be a part of this fiber journey that I am sure is only starting!I am working on the first pattern and I can't express how much I love it. Usually I spend weeks and weeks on swatching until it feels right. But Elena yarn spoke to me almost instantly - after just a week of swatching I came up with the stitch combination that I am absolutely in love with. Usually I love to share every single step of the process when working on a project, but if it comes to design, I prefer to keep it to myself as long as possible. Maybe because I change so many things along the way or maybe because I love this quiet "me" time with the project before the official release..For now all I can say is that I am working with a lot of texture. Texture is what initially attracted me in knitting in the first place and this is what I am usually drawn to in knitwear. Elena yarn is absolutely perfect for it!
The project is growing pretty fast and I hope to be done with it in a couple of weeks. Then the most time consuming part of the pattern writing will begin - grading, writing the "official" pattern from my notes, tech editing and test knitting. I can't wait to share it with you!
On the other news, it was a happy mail day this week - my knitting library enhancement has arrived. I absolutely love having books on different types of construction! The Knitter's Handy Book of Top-Down Sweaters has been on my to-buy list for a long time. Though I am familiar with all types of sweater construction in this book, it is still nice to have this reference. It is a great addition to Knitwear Design Workshop by Shirley Paden, the book that you can always find on my desk.
I am joining Yarn Along to see what others crafters are up to. I hope you are having a great week!