Interior Knitting
I happen to have one guilty pleasure - I love visiting interior blogs and browse beautiful images of way too perfect homes. Being quiet inadequate in home decor, I only hope that when the day comes to call one place a home, I'll be able to use all the wonderful ideas that I bookmark. I admire how people can come up with absolutely beautiful, simple and very affordable ideas how to make your home cozy and inviting. The more I research, the more I am drawn to Scandinavian interior style; everything appeals to me - the abundance of light, neutral subtle colors, wood, textiles, messy beds, simple shapes. My favorite space to visit is My Scandinavian Home, just browse its Swedish home tag and you'll see what I am talking about - absolutely dreamy spaces that you will never want to leave.
Recently this little space featured in The Design Chaser has won my heart.
I am definitely drawn to wood and textiles in interior, though this photo might be too literal interpretation of it, but it demonstrates perfectly that with very simple things we can create a very welcoming and homey space that will make us happy every day.Though I still don't have the perfect wooden bed, I can definitely play with textiles. I still have some skeins of Heritage from the old batch by Moeke in my stash, so I decided why not to start with small steps and gradually add things that I love into my surroundings.
We just rented a new place and the bed still doesn't have the proper cover. But I have the wool in beautiful heather shade and my knitting machine, so my plan is to make a bed cover as big as the yardage allows. I won't be able to make it in one piece, as the machine knitting bed is not wide enough, but this little inconvenience can be turned into a big advantage - I could make 2 or maybe even 4 separate pieces and seam them together with the crochet, using single or double crochet stitch on the right side to create a nice ridge for a touch of texture.
Heritage looks so lovely on the purl side - all the slight color variations and little numbs and bumps of the uneven thread produce such a beautiful effect. Plus it is very warm and I can use it as an extra blanket during chilly nights and mornings.What I also love about this project that it will be quiet mindless with not too much planning involved and a very easy process. Perfect on-the-side knit that I can work on when I want to recharge and clear my head. I hope I will make it at least for spring when the winds come...
Have a beautiful day! See you at Yarn Along today!