Deep End, Art Week and Mango Season
Knitting, Reading, Clean Eating.
Knitting. This weekend I cast on for a Deep End shawl for my Mom. What I had in mind is to keep it in a project bag always ready to be picked up when going for a drive, to a friend to chat or for a walk up the hills to have blissful 15-20 minutes outside knitting time. Well... I was knitting it in the car. Once, for half an hour or so. But most of the progress was made while sitting on a couch and ignoring my other WIPs. The pattern is very clearly written and easy to follow. I just can't put it down!
I almost broke my favorite pair of 2.5 mm ADDI needles. It survived!
Reading. We are having Art Week at school next week. Picked up Picasso book from a friend to refresh my unfortunately very limited art knowledge.Clean Eating. It's a mango season! I picked mine from a lovely Mexican lady and hang them to ripe on a sun. The smell is so mouth-watering!
I hope you are having a wonderful week! Happy knitting and stay healthy!